Picture Book: Feedback

I have now finished a first draft for my picture book. I feel it is 70% done at this point, with improvements to be made on the illustrations. I have created a version with my own font that I have put to the side for now as I am unsure of whether to use it. But with the Verdana font version, I have created a PDF and asked for audience feedback via Facebook. I’ve also made a survey for them to fill in after reading it to help me improve the book.


Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 18.57.08After posting this 10 minutes ago I’ve already had two people who are willing to read it with their children, so hopefully this will be a helpful way to make my book better.

View the book here:

Speck the Sphynx Cat


8 people who are going to read it with their children, and two responses to the survey.

Also a bit of feedback over Facebook:

Person 1:
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Person 2:

Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 19.41.45One consideration I have made since having people read the book is upping the target audience to 3-9 as one person read it to their daughters, one being 8. Therefore I think there is a chance that 8-9 year olds would be interested in the book if they had younger siblings like this one did.


4 more people who will read it with a child and 2 who are just going to read it and give me feedback.

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