Project Four: Picture Book
To start this project, I have created a research PDF looking into different subject matters I can create a picture book on, and ones that already exist.
Click here: Picture Book Research PDF 1
Project Four: Picture Book
To start this project, I have created a research PDF looking into different subject matters I can create a picture book on, and ones that already exist.
Click here: Picture Book Research PDF 1
After receiving Mike’s feedback on the corporate identity package project I have improved my logo. He pointed out some possible improvements including the resolution which was low and causing the type edges to be jagged. Also, the finch outline was quite bumpy and it’s feet looked odd. Therefore we took it into Illustrator where Mike showed me how to trace the finch and turn it into vectors, creating different parts to the finch that could be altered. This enabled us to alter his feet and overall outline, using the pen tool. The colours have also been altered slightly. Although there are clear differences in the type between the two (I removed the pink ‘i’s anyway) such as kerning etc, I made the new logo on Illustrator (for resolution purposes) and I am not the best at Illustrator and even though I did figure out how to change the type (through character settings) I then had to alter the ampersand, which went wrong and caused me to leave it as it is. The original idea is still there and along with the improvements, but may be I’ll have another go at putting the two together later on.
This is the final presentation of the corporate identity package I have designed for Loris & Finch Estate Agents. I have created a PDF that talks it through which can be seen here:
Chapman, C. (2010) Colour Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color. [online] Smashing Magazine. Available from: [Accessed 10th February 2016]