

My infographic will simply inform the viewer on what the theory of relativity is, in the most simplest way (due to my own knowledge of it being limited). When this infographic is incorporated onto one of the other outputs I could make it interactive (or at least state that it will be) just by adding hyperlinks or animated elements and so on. Which leads me to…

Mobile Design

I had the idea of an app that holds thousands of infographics of all different kinds of subjects. Therefore I could create a homepage for it, categories menu, and a page for my own infographic. I went onto the app store on my phone to see if such an app already exists and it does but here’s what it looks like:










I want to create a design for an app much better than this one.

A2 Poster and Web Design

I’m still not 100% sure what to do with these outputs yet, so I am going to focus on the infographic and mobile design and hope that my ideas stem from those.